Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Door Between Worlds Chapter Five

Jason looked around the crackling fire at his companions, who were digging into their meals with the vigor of men who had been on horse back since dawn.  The light, of not just the fire, but of companionship and adventure were akindle in their eyes.

Jason Sterling looked around at his companions, who were sitting in a circle around the fire.  These had been handpicked.  Sitting on his right was his bestfriend, Abraham Johnson.  Next to him was Thomas Fresco, who was not very broad but every fiber in his being was tough, he knew how to handle a short sword like no other in all of Alepp.  Gideon and Emeric Tronido sat next to him, they were brothers, Gideon was broad through the shoulders, and had an air of confidence that reflects the other's confidence in him.  Emeric was slimmer than his older brother, but what much more swift, and was a match for anyone with the longbow.

Next to him sat another capable bowman, Silas Lawine.  Not as slim as Emeric, he had bulging arm muscles that resembled that of a carthorse.  Saul Urugano, a quality spear-man, was slightly thick across the waist, but he was muscular and willing to do anything to protect his friends and fellow soldiers.  Amos Relampago was a stout axe-man, who could swing an elephant across a large room.  Obadiah Odin was probably one of the most powerful of the group, with his five foot ten inch frame and he was four feet across the shoulders.  He could wield a battle hammer like no other, his spirit was alive with love of country, brotherhood, and Elohim.  Nor would he pass up good food.  And it was with him that Jason Sterling was engaged in a conversation with.

As they finished their meal, Obadiah leaned back against a log they had set back, and questioned Jason, "So, are you able to give some more details as to why we are riding through this barren wasteland?  All Earl March said, was that it was a mission of the utmost importance for the survival of Alepp." A silence reigned around the camp fire, as every head turned to watch Jason.

Jason leaned back, and thoughtfully chewed his food. "That, my good friend, is a very good question.  I'll try to answer it in short, so that we have some time to sleep."

"Glad to see your inner mother finally show, Jas."  Abraham quipped.  All of them laughed appreciatively.

Jason waved the comment away and plunged on, "You all are aware of the dire situation Alepp is in, any week now, this country could be sunk into a civil war.  The lords of this country think that they would do better by seizing the throne.  Baron Hilldeg is the Protector of the country, but they are not satisfied.  They have become greedy.

"Why this sudden upswing?  It seems that just in the past few weeks it has happened.  Two years ago, we were rid of the Pirates that harassed this fair country.  Now, all of a sudden, that is forgotten and we have turned on each other.  Why?

"From what Earl March said, there are rumors of something.. dark coming from up north.  In the Promontan mountains.  That for several square miles around this one certain pinnacle in the middle, the entire land is dead.  Nothing moves.  There are tremors, and thunderstorms continuously.  This started right around the time that the bickering started..  The Earl suspects a connection.  And that is our mission.  To find out what it is."

Gidean piped up, "What if it is just a thunderstorm?  Nothing more.  What does he think it is?"  the others murmured in assent.

Jason looked around the campfire slowly, "He suspects sorcery."